How it all started:
It is extraordinary to see what a difference a simple prayer card can make and how much hope it can bring to those in dark places. For ‘Crown of Thorns’, a charity working to give hope through the simplicity of the understanding of the faith, these cards are at the very centre of the work.
The promotion of the Holy Rosary has been the main principle of the charity and the rosary cards produced have travelled far and wide, supporting the work of priests, chaplains and religious in dioceses across many countries and situations.
It was through experience of aid work, in knowledge of the horrendous situation in various war torn countries, and through a direct request for a rosary card to distribute to traumatised refugees, that the charity came into being. Many refugees wore a rosary, but did not know how to pray it. The request was acted on.
With the initial printing nearly thirty years ago, rosary cards were produced for free distribution, to promote prayer for peace and encouragement for displaced people. The response was staggering, with cards being passed person to person around the world to comfort people in some of the most desperate and lonely circumstances.
Many years have passed since the original print run of rosary cards and many people who have worked alongside us over the years have since gone to their eternal reward. In funding the work they have left a legacy of joy in the hearts of people on the margins of society.
During the early years of our work, a small parcel arrived with our post. It enclosed a handwoven stole bearing a simple message that touched us deeply. It simply read: ‘Crown of Thorns – Mission of Hope’.
How it progressed:
Other pages of this website report on some of the main areas of our work. Our cards and publications explaining aspects of the faith are still central to our support to those working in parishes, schools and institutions, as well as chaplaincies in hospitals, prisons and for seafarers.
Crown of Thorns; Registered Charity No. 1042751
A charity run by dedicated volunteers. We have no paid staff, so every penny we receive is used for the work itself.
How can I help?
- Please keep this work surrounded in prayer.
- If you are able, please support the charity financially, either through a single donation, Gift Aided if possible, or through a regular standing order.
- Please support Crown of Thorns in your will. It was through such a legacy that the charity was founded.