Concerns regarding ‘passive Euthanasia’ of vulnerable persons,
end of life situations involving care and feeding;
The Patients First Network Helpline: 0800 1691719
From our experience; if you are asked to leave a message on an answerphone, they will respond to your call as soon as person is available to do so. We have found this network invaluable and most helpful and supportive.
Spiritual care/ the Sacraments:
It is up to you, or a relative or friend, to let the Hospital Chaplain know you are in hospital, or alternatively to let the hospital know that you wish for a visit from the chaplain.
Chaplains are now not automatically alerted to you being in hospital. It is very important that the chaplain is contacted on a patient’s arrival in hospital if sacraments or visit is requested. The chaplains usually now have no other way of being aware of a patient in hospital requiring the Sacraments, unless informed by the patient or by their family. At the very least, it is often a great comfort to be able to have a chaplain visit.